Home > Going to check out "Ross Dress for Less"

Going to check out "Ross Dress for Less"

October 25th, 2013 at 11:18 pm

We are without boys tonight. The girls and I are going to check out "Ross: Dress for Less". I've heard some good things and some bad things, so I'm not sure what to expect after a mixed review.

Sadly, everyone has grown since last year. We've got more to pass on to our friends, and the list is growing on what everyone needs: warm sleep pants, sweat pants, new sweatshirts, and a new coat or two.

I'm starting a list and buying the most needed items first.

Anyone here shop at "Ross"?

8 Responses to “Going to check out "Ross Dress for Less"”

  1. Carol Says:

    I really enjoy Ross when I am in a state where they are. ( They are not in New England.) I just did very well while we were on a trip to California. However, it is the kind of store where you might have a good day or a bad day. Good luck!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    We don't have Ross here...good luck finding good deals on your needs!!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Ross is a great place to find good deals on clothes. I don't think they are here in NM, at least not any that I've seen.

  4. FreebieQueen Says:

    FrugalTexan75 - There are Ross stores in Albuquerque.

  5. Petunia 100 Says:

    Yes, I have been to Ross many times. It is a store where many items are not where they are supposed to be, so you must really look on every rack and in all sizes. I believe they do this is on purpose. There is a Ross not far from my home which opened within the last decade. I visited it on the second day they were open for business, and it was the same story, everything was everywhere.

    However, I have several times found things I really liked, quite inexpensively. My best find was a lovely taupe colored sleeveless dress with matching button-up blouse (meant to be worn over the dress). It was very flattering, it was my favorite dress and I wore it often. I paid $14 for it. I don't pay much attention to brand names, I am afraid, so don't recall the name on the label.

  6. ThriftoRama Says:

    We love Ross. Unfortunately, we no longer live in a state that has one. Boo. It was the only store my Dh would ever shop for clothes. I miss it!

  7. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    FQ - I'll have to look the next time I'm in ABQ

  8. baselle Says:

    I love Ross and actually shop pretty much there. What everyone else has said - you have to pick, often how you would describe an item as they would describe it differently so look everywhere. And your chance of finding an item is inverse to the need. Need item x for an emergency? Dream on finding item x.

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