We did a major declutter yesterday and sorted through tons of things that are no longer used or wanted. I've got piles to throw out, donate, pass on.
I said on more than one occasion "What was I thinking when I bought this?" or "Why am I holding on to this?"
In doing so, it makes me much more conscious as I move on. I'm definitely thinking that we need to scale back on gift giving for everyone. My parents need nothing and want nothing. My inlaws don't need or want anything either. Sticking to nice framed photo of the kids or maybe photo mugs with homemade treats?
We've done away with birthday gift for the kids. One $15 item and $50 cash. Most are saving up for larger ticket items like new ipods or cameras, etc.
I've found that once you make the decision to part with some items, it becomes much easier.
We've rearranged some furniture, brining bookcases up to the boys' room - now each has one for their books/trophies/Legos, etc.
I did make a furniture move that is unsuccessful - trying to use an antique oak pie-safe as a bookcase. It is too tall for a lamp and replaced a table. It looks really bad, actually. One of those things that I had hoped would work but didn't.
Off to continue. How does this relate to finance? All the money that I wasted on things is a sobering reality.
Decluttering - "What was I thinking?"
October 15th, 2013 at 04:03 pm
October 15th, 2013 at 05:36 pm 1381855001
October 15th, 2013 at 08:42 pm 1381866165
I wouldn't say the rest of us never buy anything or do anything nice for each other, but it's usually something a little more creative or for "just because" reasons. I love those kind of gifts.
I also love flowers as far as a disposable gift. No complaints about food either. & like I mentioned above, we do a lot of charitable donations in lieu of gifts. In general respect and recgonition of our excess.
October 15th, 2013 at 09:06 pm 1381867575
October 16th, 2013 at 02:08 am 1381885737
We have given older family members we adore gift cards for restaurants or specialty shops like tea house or knit shop so they can choose what they prefer. We usually accompany them to the restaurant so it's a double gift that includes our time.