For the period of 6/28 - 7/4, the spending was as follows:
Gas: $90.03
Groceries: $111.87
Gifts: $16.23
Entertainment $92.25
Rx: $168.20
Coupon Savings: $8.03
Purchases with gift card: $20.00
The entertainment category included a trip to see "Monsters University" 3D at a matinee showing and snacks purchased at CVS. It also included a 10-count visitor pass added to our pool membership for the girls.
And today is "money out day" ("money in" was wed and thurs when tenant paid the rent and DH's check was deposited). This means filling up the gas tank and a major shopping trip. Which happens to correspond with a menu plan for the next ten days. The lunch items from Sam's Club will actually cover two weeks worth of lunches. We're away tomorrow, so I'll be bringing some snacks and drinks (using Dominick's/Safeways $5 Friday Deals), and we've got a parish function dinner on Monday. I'm noticing that this summer we actually tend to only be eating two meals a day (a late breakfast at 10:30-11:30 and a later dinner at 7:00-ish). This means we've been going through more snackish food at 4:00 ish and bed time. I've needed to add more fruit and veggie options to the kitchen. So, my attitude about the spending is sort of cleansed, now that I feel that the money spent will create a better/healthier place.
Weekly Spending Recap and Better Attitude
July 5th, 2013 at 03:13 pm