Home > 2013-2014 Tuition for the High Schoolers

2013-2014 Tuition for the High Schoolers

May 22nd, 2013 at 10:35 pm

This fall I will have a sophomore and freshman at my alma mater, a small parochial high school in the suburbs of Chicago. I've been waiting on financial aid since we've learned about scholarships for both girls.

Total Tuition for both:

-$3,000 (older daughter's scholarship)
-$5,000 (younger daughter's scholarship)
-$2,000 (grant from our Diocese)
-$3,000 (financial aid from school)
-$1,000 ($600 discount and $400 deposit)
-$3,000 (reimbursement from my grandma for trip)

$3,000 remaining -

This makes budgeting and planning for the next year much, much easier.

Big sigh of relief ...

3 Responses to “2013-2014 Tuition for the High Schoolers”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Do you pay tuition upfront, or monthly? Glad it is working out so well for you!

  2. Looking Forward Says:

    WhooHoo! Big Grin

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    That is GREAT news! $3k is so much more palatable than $20k...Smile

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