Home > Happy May! Downs and ups

Happy May! Downs and ups

May 1st, 2013 at 02:32 pm

Well, I think we skipped Spring, and Summer is here. The temp last night in the house was 82, which made for semi-cranky bed-goers. We had to bring up fans and find cool cotton sheets (versus jersey knit sheets). Woke up to a nice 76 degrees. I am hoping for cooler weather today.

I found out that my ex-stepmother (who was always nice and kind to me) is in hospice with her daughter who lives in a town just over the Illinois-Wisconsin border. I'm going to make a visit by myself. I'm not sure what to say or do or bring, but I am following my heart to do this. Unlike my brother, I have no ill-will toward this woman, and personally I hope she had some happiness after she left my biological father.

I also have a great-aunt who doesn't have long left after a recent diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. She wasn't well enough for a visit earlier in the month, but I sent a plant and a note. My mother got the thank you note that said she always loved me and my family, how sweet we are and that she will remember us fondly.

My faith life is certainly a gift to me today. And while I am so sad, I am happy for their time and gifts to me.

Money-wise: extraneous spending is creeping up: $50 for 8th graders trip to Great America, $24 for class pictures of the Communicant with the other 2nd graders, $20 for class T-shirts for the boys for the VIP Show and Field Day. $190 for summer golf for oldest son. We will also most likely need a new lawn-mower. I paid cash for everything and have $100 toward the new mower purchase.

Goal for May: $1,750 to go toward property taxes on primary residence. Minimum payments on all else.

Happy news:

(1) Older daughter was able to renew her $3,000 scholarship for the upcoming year. She had glowing letters of recommendation from the principal and pastor, a strong service record, and a 4.2 GPA. So proud of her.

* We will find out on or around 5/15 about the scholarship for younger daughter. It is a completely different scholarship.

(2) Our dear friend who is a singleton has met *the* one, and it appears that she feels the same way about him. He is 39 and had planned on being a priest, but it didn't exactly work out that way. He has asked me to go shopping with him for engagement rings. While I adore my own love story, I like other people's too. The flip-side of this is my best friend didn't handle the news very well. She finds other friend weird/geeky/nerdy Catholic guy and he has found love twice. BF's most recent relationship ended abruptly and badly two weeks ago (read as: he slept with her the first time on Friday, then dumped her via text the following Wed. - and I've tried to be supportive, but oh the drama is so highschoolish).

(3) At Goodwill, I spent $10 and purchased oldest son three navy blue polo shirts (like new, and one with the Polo thingy) for his uniform next year. In 6th grade, they graduate to blue on top/khaki on the bottom. And youngest son's knee went through his pants on Monday and today is summer uniform so he was able to wear uniform shorts. I put him in a pair of his brother's pants, so I didn't have to run out and buy a replacement pair.

That is it.

2 Responses to “Happy May! Downs and ups”

  1. Looking Forward Says:

    Feeling like summer here too.
    I think it is good that you see your ex-sm. Maybe some pictures of the kids to brighten her day?

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That is good news about your ODs scholarship renewing!

    I agree that it is good to go see your exSM.

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