Home > family and funerals

family and funerals

March 26th, 2013 at 10:06 pm

I went to the funeral of my aunt today. In my last post I mentioned that she is the estranged sister of my father who I happen to be emotionally divorced from (of my own will, and while I haven't seen him in three years, I have spoken to him several times by phone). A cousin from a different deceased aunt came into town for the funeral. We had a very nice get together on Sunday night and I was reminded that before all of this stuff in the present, we were at some point a normal family. We went to the zoo and amusement parks, spent time at our grandparents' summer house, went to Bozos Circus, etc. It made me very nostalgic and it then didn't feel right that I wasn't going to go, to be with my cousins who were grieving the loss of their mom, who I did have fond memories of. I skipped the wake, fearing too much intimacy, or not quite being sure of how I would be regarded. I went to the funeral with my children, and I am glad that I did. I was able to say I was sorry about the loss, and I had a very embarrassing sobbing moment with my uncle and oldest cousin who I hadn't spoken to since hearing of the loss. I'm a loud crier, who in turn caused my children to cry. No words were needed.

Then I took my kids to the Seminary at Mundelein which happened to be a few miles down the street. Here are some pictures that took my breath away. More than money, life is.

4 Responses to “family and funerals”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    {{{hugs}}} Love the pics - especially the second one.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Beautiful...and ((hugs)) from me too.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Sounds like you made the right decision to go...those pics are beautiful!

  4. Says:

    I don't know all the particulars, but I would encourage you to maintain whatever family ties you can. There was a period of at least 10 years when I had no contact with my dad (after his remarriage) but we reconnected when I was about 36. Now I treasure that relationship and feel like it's taken years to make up for lost time in terms of confidence, self-esteem, love, normalcy.

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