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Completely Overwhelmed ...

March 15th, 2013 at 11:46 pm

I was loving the whole idea of organization and simplification. I examined the situations of the household and determined what I am lacking in some situations is efficiency. DH brought me home a bonanza of bankers boxes and I'm filling and removing items from the house. It is very liberating. I actually tackled my closet and had a very honest heart-to-heart with myself. I will not ever be a sustainable size 4 again. Those items went to my mom. I am most likely not going to be a size ten either (I was briefly) and I boxed those items to give to my best friend. I will be a 6/8 probably for the intermediate while and I tried everything on and everything fits and is comfortable. I even like the way my closet looks. I got rid of hand-me-downs from my brother's girlfriends. I parted with my preschool teacher sweaters which were fine when I had a bunch of little kids. It pained me to do that, but I did - no more bunnies on Easter sweaters or snowmen on Christmas sweaters. I imagine I can always get scarves for the seasons.

Now is the weekend of painting and switching rooms. Well, not exactly switching until the new carpet goes in. Oldest son is very sad that the mural we painted in his room will be leaving. We've got a photo op to commemorate it tomorrow - it has been five years since I drew the barn and cows and pig, and he drew the sheep. His wall had a mama sheep and baby sheep (he and I). Even I am kind of bummed about it, but I think a few good pictures will be great for recall.

We are organized in the moving out of things, but it is overwhelming.

3 Responses to “Completely Overwhelmed ...”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Your clearing of those things and getting organized does takes it toll, but the end result with a feeling of freedom and lightness! Enjoy the journey.

  2. mamasita Says:

    I cried a little bit when we had to paint over the mural in my baby girl's room after we sold our house! Pictures bring back the memories, though.

  3. Wino Says:

    The good thing about moving is you get to both remember the good times before you leave, and you get to clear out the junk you never should have kept. It costs a lot to ship things. It is best to clear out and sell, donate, or trash the remainder.

    I think I'll get two houses, and move from one to the other every year. That's the ONLY way I'll ever get rid of junk. I'm the proverbial pack rat when it comes to worthless junk. Niecy needs to visit my place before the hoarders people are required.

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