Home > Debut of new work station

Debut of new work station

March 11th, 2013 at 03:07 pm

Here is a picture of the new-to-us workstation ($250 on craigslist, plus $21.50 truck rental and $4 gas for rental truck).

I am very pleased with it, much more efficient given the previous "work station".

I'll include a final photo once we're officially set up. I'm loving organization, and simplified living. I'm so glad that I found this piece and it was a great fit with need and available funds! I don't feel that I compromised at all, and am so happy that I didn't spend $600 on some laminate stuff that would have taken DH twelve hours to assemble. It is real wood and heavy.

ETA: The top of the station itself extends over the work space on the top of the desk and has three pop lights in to fully illuminate the work space. Additional money saved from not having to buy a desk lamp.

10 Responses to “Debut of new work station”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    It's beautiful!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Looks great!

  3. snafu Says:

    Wonderful unit for available space at a great price! The bottom drawer of both the desk unit and computer unit look like 'file' drawers. How do you plan to use the glass door cupboards? Looking forward to your next photo. thanks for sharing

  4. Carolina Girl Says:

    Very nice!!! Let the organizing begin! Thanks for sharing.

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    Beautiful! A very great deal.

  6. MonkeyMama Says:


  7. Looking Forward Says:

    Very nice. It looks like it fits in well. Smile

  8. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Sweet! That will be so much nicer for you! Good choice!

  9. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Beautiful setup!

  10. LuckyRobin Says:

    That really changes the look of the room for the better. I love solid wood furniture. It is so durable.

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