Home > September, welcome ...

September, welcome ...

September 1st, 2012 at 02:48 pm

My household is really in need of this three-day weekend; the transition to school and schedule has been difficult. We've also had a few minor attitude adjustments to snap back into place Smile (with more sleep, less idle time and a general reminder of niceness).
We've concluded all the Curriculum Nights and now move onto Cub Scouts. I missed registration for soccer for the 2nd grader (which happened to be back in June when my life was nothing but paper registrations for the summer programs at my parish. Anyhow, happy ending, the admin agreed to put my son on the team after an email from the coach. And we've added a pom class for the younger daughter. All good, just more to do and more to go to.

Resurrecting the line: "We're the 10% who do 90% of the work." DH and I are pretty much entrenched into our parish in major volunteer capacities. DH had to turn down a request that he be on the Parish Board simply because we don't have a lot of time free, and what is there is for the kids. I got tired of hearing myself say the above catch-phrase when asked to do more. The email came today (well, late last night) about getting together to draw straws to see who will be the Committee Chair (Cubmaster) for the Pack. I've already turned down the position for myself and my husband. Now my response is simply: "Please take our names out of the list. We are operating at full capacity right now. Thank you." Ugh!

Payday and rent collection day was yesterday. Haven't done much with the funds yet; I'll pay the mortgage and then we'll purchase the bunk beds.

High school football started last night and my house was very quiet for several hours when they all (minus one daughter) went. Our team lost. And they're State Champs.

We got a call from the tenant that there was a leak in the roof. The roofers who put the new one on (five years ago and then repaired the front last summer after the tornado) came out and found the problem. And fixed it. A flashing started to come up and it was re-siliconed. No cost to us. Smile

Enjoy your weekend!

2 Responses to “September, welcome ...”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I'm glad your son was able to still do soccer, and good for you for knowing when to say, enough!

  2. Homebody Says:

    We put a new roof on a few years ago.....the company is owned by my son-in-law's stepmother's family and has been in business for like 50 years!

    So glad your son is able to play soccer. My daughter missed a birthday party once because I lost the invite. I still feel guilty about my disorganization and am still working on it! I have made progress though.

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