Home > Oral surgery day for baby girl!

Oral surgery day for baby girl!

July 27th, 2012 at 12:27 pm

Older daughter is having two teeth extractions done today and final preparation for the braces. The oral surgeon assured her this isn't really a big deal. Well, apparently not to him.

I had no logical answers to the questions: Why can't I wear flip-flops? Why can't I wear black nail polish? Not that she ever wears black nail polish, but she lives in flip flops. I told her on that count I thought it had something to do with being able to have better traction while walking after sedation. Who knows?

Anyhow, we've got a 8:15 appointment and should be home by 9:30, though I'm dropping off the load of hand-me-downs to my friends and an anticipate buying a smoothie from McD's for her on the way back.

Low-key day, nothing planned other than a quiet day with daughter on the couch recovering.

Total cost out of pocket after insurnace: $100.

7 Responses to “Oral surgery day for baby girl!”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I remember being really nervous when I had mine out, but it all happens so fast and in the end really isn't a big deal. I'm trying to ease my daughter's concerns, since it may be in her cards as well.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    I had four teeth extracted for orthodontia and I was awake (though of course numbed for it). It was weird, but not a big deal. When my son had extractions, he was put under and he came home quite loopy, and it would have been funny if he hadn't been so mad about it! It shouldn't be as bad as the extraction of wisdom teeth, because the roots are not as long.

  3. Monkey Mama Says:

    It really isn't a big deal - they sedate you for that?? Not when I Was a kid. That would make it even easier. OF *all* the oral procedures I have had, tooth extraction is the easiest and least painful.

    Orthodontia I felt was more along the lines of medieval torture. I hope that has improved with time. (I hear it has improved).

  4. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Hoping your daughter a quick recovery!

  5. PNW Mom Says:

    My dd2 had her wisdom teeth out 2 weeks ago...she was so funny after she woke up (so was dd1). DD2 was very dizzy after we got home...she could hardly get out of the car. Good luck....hope it all goes well and she recovers nicely!

  6. Swimgirl Says:

    Funny that they said no black nail polish. We've been told no nail polish of any color. The color of your nail beds can be offer clues about oxygen saturation in your blood. And I think your guess on the flip flops is pretty good!

  7. My English Castle Says:

    Good luck to her!
    I hope you have movies and all sorts of mindless entertainment planned for the ordeal.

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