Home > Happy Day and Rambles

Happy Day and Rambles

April 26th, 2012 at 02:24 pm

Happy for no particular reason, except that life is good. All children accompanied their father to "Take Your Child To Work Day" at the major office supply store's HQ that employs DH. DH took the Steak N Shake coupon and said he'd figure out the cheapest way to do it (Big pat on his back!), as we're going away next weekend (Fri-Sat) for our 8th grader's participation in the State Science Fair (where I happen to be a judge-I sometimes forget that I do have the benefit of higher education Smile which makes me qualified to judge "Behavioral Science" categories).

DH mentioned that there is rumor again that the future of his company is uncertain. I no longer quickly cave into that place of fear and quaking (How will we live? What will we do?), because I have a plan. And in the event that something like that were to happen, DH would most likely pursue the direction that he really wants to go.

I'm going shopping today with my mom for blinds for my kitchen. We've been without them for several years and I keep saying I'd like to buy some, but my money(which is limited) always goes for something else. This is my Mother's Day gift. DH measured and I'm looking forward to sprucing up the house. Nothing major, just a few things to make it spring-y and summer-y. (Read that as: color)

Tomorrow I'll be restocking the consumables (groceries and gas). Today will be another NSD.

Hope everyone has a good day!

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