Or "The Lost Weekend" ...
1st Grade son was home sick on Thursday. He complained of jaw pain and has molars coming in on that side. Friday night into Saturday, NO sleep, chronic severe pain. Sat AM pediatrician says glaringly to me, "This is one of the worst ear infections I've seen. It is REALLY bad. He must have an incredibly high threshhold for pain." Talk about making me feel like the most neglectful mother in the world. I sputtered somthing about no fever and molars. Anyhow, took me a minute to realize the totality of the situation (aka I'm not a bad mother) and get the RX and get out of there.
The result of this has been: $5 for Little Cesar's pizza because I was too tired to cook, $5 at Family Video for two new main stream movies, and $5 at CVS for Ibuprofin and monkey's favorite candy bar.
He's home again today after *yet* another night of interrupted sleep. I know the line up of the Disney Channel from about 1:30 - 3:45 AM. Everyone else is off for their day and I'm going back to bed.
Daughter's Confirmation is tonight at 7:00. Our celebration is Saturday. Hopefully I'll be caught up on sleep by then.
Went to the Mother-Daughter Luncheon at Church yesterday. Very nice time indeed, good conversation between the three generations. This is sponsored by the CCW which nominated my daughter for the scholarship which she was a recipient of. She is a shy girl, but managed well when our pastor came up and congratulated her. (He wrote a wonderful letter of recommendation for another scholarship we're waiting on and commented on her "quiet nature is in harmony with her helper's heart" ) And at the end of the Luncheon the President of the CCW announced she was the recipient and she did well with applause and said an audible "thank you" with a big smile. Cost for tickets: $40 (though OOP was $20 - my mom paid for half).
Spent rougly $130 on groceries/household on Friday. Higher than I wanted to, but I was low on things like dog shampoo and ear wash, poop bags, and bird food. Gas was lower becase I'm driving less.
Happy Monday all!
Monday Musings
April 23rd, 2012 at 01:48 pm
April 23rd, 2012 at 03:34 pm 1335191647