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Spending fast? Yes. Spending fast? Defiitely

April 10th, 2012 at 02:41 pm

I usually tend to underestimate and overspend when it comes closer to the holiday events that we are hosting (Christmas, Easter, etc). This year I had the bestest of intentions to "remain in budget". I did fairly well the two week spending period just prior to this one, using free haircut coupons for the boys, good grocery savings stacking coupons with sale prices, etc. But this go around (that end on Thursday), I sort of lost control of the spending, and sadly, on noting frivolous.

The first question refers to the alarming rate that I spent money. Was I "spending fast"? YES. I was derailed mostly by groceries. Seemed to me I was always running to the store to pick up a few items (all on sale with coupons of course), but the cupboards were always sort of odd and empty. I'd buy for three days, but by the second day end, it was looking scarce again. Odd. I finally had to go to Walmart and stock up on regular items (cereal, pasta, yogurt and cheese, a few snacks, frozen chicken tenderloins, etc.) I also shopped with DH that trip and he needed a new pair of work out shorts (as he's shrinking, not really shrinking, but doing a low-carb diet and is down about another 15 pounds).

As far as Easter basket items, I was carefully compiling a list of things that people said they needed/liked/wanted. For my girls it was things like a make up mirror (which I bought at Bed Bath and Beyond and ued a $5 off coupon), the new Clearasil soap pump ($3 off coupon), some products from Bath & Body Works (spent $24, after $6 savings), some make up items (all purchased on sale). I bought oldest son the Harry Potter Lego Bus and used a $20 gift card. The younger guys were already purchased (Lego items on sale after Christmas). I refrained from any stuffed bunnies, plastic items, etc. So while I spent the same amount that I usually do, it seemed to go much farther. I spent $2 on wrapping paper at the Dollar Tree, so everyone got a wrapped gift from the Bunny plus their basket of candy.

I also underestimated on the amount of gas we are spending, grossly underestimated. Frown Consequentially, my driving will be very limited for the next two week period.

So, the second question is: Will you be participating in a "spending fast" for the next two week period starting 4/13? An astounding yes. I will only be purchasing consumables as in groceries and gas. The sole point of this exercise will be to use the excess (saved amount) to start the following two week period (4/27) with fully funded budget categories for the time period following.

Oh, this is sort of the equivalent to the "carb crash" that DH and stepdad had after Easter brunch. The last item that I need to purchase tomorrow are new soccer cleats for oldest son. We'll go to Play It Again Sports and I'm planning on spending $15.

Also, since grocery shopping was my major budget drain, I'm allowing myself a once weekly shopping trip to Walmart and Aldi's. Our Walmart has a limited selection of fresh fruit and veggies - thus Aldi's. I will be skipping the sale ads altogether. I won't be worrying about coupon savings for the next two week period. I'll also be making snacks from scratch (chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, rice crispie treats, apple muffins) and will try to limit dryer use. To think that I lived EIGHT MONTHS without a dryer. I'm so used to just tossing the clothes fromt he washer into the dryer, I certainly can find a happy middle to non-use versus over-use.

Alright, I got all the money stuff out of my mind. Wish me luck as I fast!

5 Responses to “Spending fast? Yes. Spending fast? Defiitely”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Good luck with your spending fast!!

    My girls were happy with a package of brightly colored socks and candy in their basket. It is a very low spend holiday for us.

  2. jperryharris Says:

    I only spent a total of $10 bucks for Easter It helps to get creative! Smile

  3. Danielle Says:

    I hear ya! I also overspent in many ways these past two weeks. Ill be bringing my own breakfast, snacks and lunch to work to make up for it!

  4. patientsaver Says:

    I guess times have changed. I don't have kids, but when we were growing up, our Easter baskets included some chocolate Easter eggs and those yellow marshmallow ducklings. And we had fun with the usual egg-dying.

    I would think that once you start buying gifts, it sort of locks you into doing that every year.

  5. My English Castle Says:

    I spent a lot too, Laura, despite my bestest intentions. For me, I think it was guilt not taking DD anywhere except to school with me over break. Stoooopid spending for me.

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