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What was the point?

April 3rd, 2012 at 02:13 pm

Of sending the children to school for three days, sandwiched in between Spring Break and Easter Break? (Being we're Catholic and Holy Week is impotant, our kids have off Thursday-Monday). We quickly lapsed into a summer routine of sleeping in (an average wake up time of 9:15-9:45 was the norm). And on top of it, it's a busy week with some planning meeting for me for VBS and DH is wrapping up the Tiger Scout activities. Looking at the calendar we are entering that final phase of frenzied activities through school year end: Band Concert, Spring Musical VIP Show, Confirmation, trip to State for Science Fair, daughter's 8th grade outings to the White Sox game and Great America, and finally Graduation. Whoosh, I'm tired looking at it.

Time to get back into the saddle of organization! Right? Well, I'd better get myself busy. I'm presently disorganized, I suppose it had to do with really slipping into "summer mode". I did haul away six huge bags of stuff (closets and drawers were cleaned out) and sadly there is WAY MORE TO GO! Three big bags went to Amvets drop off center at Walmart and three were hand-me-downs to a friend's family. I suppose I've been bit by the Spring Cleaning bug, too.

Off to be productive! Moneywise, it is all on autopilot. Practicing restraint in spending options. Was very thrilled to find milk for $1.78 a gallon at Walmart (about $1 less than anywhere else). Gas is still too high, so I'm driving less.

Oldest son saved enough money to buy an iPod. He's in 4th grade and a diligent saver. Smile Now that he is starting over again in the savings department, he is pondering what his next big purchase will be. Last year he saved the $150 to buy Harry Potter's Hogwarts Lego version. Now the $180 for the iPod. Who know what is next.

Daughter had the consult for invisalign. She's a candidate as her dental issues aren't that severe and her metal allergy precludes her from conventional wires in her mouth. The cost: $4,500 for 9 months worth of work. I have to check around because I think we can do it for less that that. And of course if I signed yesterday AND paid, I'd get a 5% reduction if paid in full. Smile

Possibly planning big trip to California this summer if my grandmother doesn't come to visit. She thought she might be here for my daughter's Graduation. Then she thought she might not really want to come. At 92 she can change her mind; but I do want to see her, so it looks like I'll (and my group) be going out there. Time to start seeing what I can sell and rounding up the piddly funds to get a big vacation fund in place. Smile

Now I'm really off to find my productivity!

1 Responses to “What was the point?”

  1. patientsaver Says:

    i was just at wal mart the other day, and i can tell you it was over $3 a gallon! the very best price i've ever seen is at costco, for about $2.35 over the summer.

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