Payday and rent collection day are today. Paycheck was deposited and rent should be there. The balance went down to $8 again - but we were in the black.
Our savings/bank balance is bare, naked, depleted, empty. How fast that $30,000 evaporated! I transferred $11,500 to Chase for the $150 credit on the 91st day of maintaining a $10,000 balance.
We bought the new minivan on Monday and paid for it Tuesday. $17,000 out the door - list price was $16,895 and was reduced to $15,430 and then after tax/new plate/doc fee we were right at $17,000. We paid $14K cashier's check and put $3K on credit card. I paid the $3K as soon as it hit and then redeemed for a $25 Target gift card. Anyhow, I *LOVE* the car. My poor kids are so out of what new cars offer that we had to laugh when they were genuinely shocked that the windows in the middle row of the minivan actually go down part ways! And the middle row is bucket seats/captain chairs so there is less arguing on who gets to sit in the front/"cool" seat. And this car offers side-impact air bags which I love, I guess that is only available with the Odyssey. Anyhow, *love* *love* *love* the purchased car. So sad that the balance is down, but will build it up again.
Paid $1,500 to the credit card that did the balance transfer. That is half of what my goal was for the remainder of the year. Should be able to get another $1,500 on it with Nov/Dec money plan.
There is $1,000 in the extraneous fund and I am dedicating that to dance expenses and expenses for the rest of the year.
Mother Hubbard is the quality that I'd use to describe my kitchen cupboards. Though I stretched the last of what we had to keep people fed and not complaining. Last night was breaded chicken breasts, buttered mini shell noodles with Parmesan cheese, and either canned carrots or frozen Normandy blend. I had one last box of muffin mix for breakfast. I am now officially out of all fresh or canned fruit, milk, eggs, AND butter, sugar, laundry detergent, any frozen pre-made food (that I made and froze). We're down to the last two bags of raisin bran and there is no yogurt. This will be one huge shopping trip to Sam's Club.
I'm continuing on in the capacity of co-cordinator for my parish's children's summer programs (one we plan and execute, the second we pay for and oversee). It is quite time consuming, coming closer to the actual dates. It has been in a volunteer capactiy, though this year there was talk of trying to pay me, but no money remained in the budget - but we were given a grant of $5,000 in tuition for the kids' school. So I'll continue on in this capacity and will receive an additional grant NEXT year, it all works out. And my 8th grade daughter was made aware of a $20,000 scholarship for high school tuition that she should qualify for (27 children each year recieve them). It is nice when our faith-infused life meets financial help, given the cost of tuition and how much DH and I volunteer.
Still feeling fine, and in control. Boundaries and parameters certainly help my family function in peace, rather than chaos. I'm allowing less intrustions - not taking phone calls at inopertune times from needy friends (though the one high maintenance friend seems to have dealt with her issues and is requiring less hand-holding).
Enoug for the brain dump - if you're still reading this Hope everyone has a glorious weekend and Halloween fun!
Updates - some money, some mental
October 28th, 2011 at 02:10 pm
October 28th, 2011 at 03:58 pm 1319813905
Nice job on the pantry meal. It always feels like such a victory when I manage to cobble something together when supplies are running low!
I'm continually impressed with your household management skills. I'm having trouble imagining keeping order with two kids and three adults to mind them, let alone five kids for two adults! I'll surely be asking for advice along the way, so if you have any tips or experiences to share, feel free.
October 29th, 2011 at 02:29 am 1319851767