Home > Reincarnation of sorts

Reincarnation of sorts

May 12th, 2011 at 09:30 pm

I have a problem. I cannot seem to maintain a blog with any continuity longer than a year. I can blog faithfully, though I realize I meander and meld finances with family life and life experiences. A new blog elsewhere evolved out of my rereading my posts which dealt more with family and friends and frustrations and less about finances.

So I resorted to the delete button. Smile I've done a lot of self-introspection lately (stemming from some depression I've felt nearing the anniversary of last year's miscarriage) and sort of trying to figure out a plan for myself. Should we adopt? Will we ever conceive? Those questions have weighed heavily on my mind. I've had to turn them over to God, being a Catholic, I've needed to learn to live in the present and enjoy my blessings. I've had some depressive reactions to a son's classmate's father having a terminal illness. I've taken to heart too much of the drama associated with school volunteerism. Etc.

So I've decided to reinvent the blog, yet again, to focus more fully on finances.

With that rededication of the blog, I'll give a quick summary:

I've done well the past two weeks containing the variable living expenses. Groceries and gas were right where I want them to be. I've moved away from Sam's Club and have returned to matchingn up coupons with sale ads and frequenting Walgreens and CVS. I've saved an average of $20 per week in coupon savings and have spent at $110 for all groceries/personal care/cleaning and paper products/pet food.

We're managing without a second car. DH is taking the train and we've coordinated our schedule to get everyone where they need to go with minimal frustrations. We were the recipients of a used lawn mower saving us $125 for a used one. We paid cash for DH's replacement bumper. By the end of the month we should have an additional $1,750 toward the replacement car. We paid cash for a pool membership so that will be our activity for the summer.

10% to retirement will increase to 11%. We made the first annual payments for two more kids for community college.

Will post more monetary things in the near future.

5 Responses to “Reincarnation of sorts”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Well, I always enjoy reading your blog, wherever your focus turns. Your personality comes through no matter what. I'm just glad you've never left for good!

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Oh and ((hugs)) for that sad anniversary coming up. I can't imagine. Yet, with AS trying to get pregnant, I know we're facing that danger and that fear again. I have to remind myself that many friends (you included) have gone through it and survived.

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Laura: There's a Longfellow poem with the line "secret anniversaries of the heart" that seems like it might be what you're going through now. Know that we all are thinking of you here.

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    I support you in whatever way you choose to blog. I think the financial aspects do shine through while you tell us your thoughts and feelings. Good luck as you strive for peace!

  5. Tabs Says:

    I don't see anything wrong with blogs being personal. Isn't that part of the charm?

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