Home > Proud of myself

Proud of myself

January 26th, 2011 at 05:56 pm

Thought I'd share a fear-conquering moment here. I have a pathological fear of two things: flying post 9/11 (it triggered some latent paranoia) and dentist (having a bad gag reflex that embarasses me makes me shudder to think of any dental work).

Today I conquered fear #2 and went to the oral surgeon for the consult on having the wisdom tooth removed and roots extracted from the one that fell out. I survived the panoramic x-ray which involved nothing inside my mouth - though they did need to remind me to breathe during the procedure. It took on the first try. The surgeon poked around my mouth and I only gagged once, so we took breaks in between the gloved hand in my mouth. It should take no more than one hour for the tooth and root removals as it isn't impacted. We discussed worse-case scenarios, and there aren't many. We discussed anesthesia options and I am going with nitrous oxide.

It is going to be mostly covered by insurance, and recovery shouldn't drag on for days. I survived the consult, and I believe that I'll be able to survive the extraction. Oh, to be plagued by irrational fears can be certainly embarassing, but I'm moving toward conquering!

5 Responses to “Proud of myself”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Congrats on showing that fear who is boss! You will make it through the surgery with flying colors.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Yipee! I bet you will do great especially since you are knocked out for the procedure. Smile

  3. mjrube94 Says:

    That's great! Congratulations! Also nice to hear that it's mostly covered; dental procedures can be SO expensive!

  4. miclason Says:

    One piece of advise. Rest after the removal of wisdom teeth, but don't LIE DOWN, not flat, anyway... that way you won't swell!

  5. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Good for you for doing the gas route. I am dental phobic and get partially sedated. It costs about $750 and is not fully covered but I feel like I've had a spa day. Good luck!

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