Well, it was a productive day, housework wise. After a week of sicklings, it took a solid day to vacuum and dust, clean one bathroom thoroughly, do three loads of laundry (wash/dry/fold/put away), etc. I also filled in for lunch duty at the kids' school (someone was kind enough to cover for me earlier in the week). It was also a NSD. My daughter had me turn her change in for cash today - she was going ice skating with her best friend and was down to her last singles. She luckily lost a tooth earlier in the week to boost her revenue - she wondered in there was an economic increase in surrending a tooth that was replaced with a 12 year molar. She's still covering her own expenditures, and I gave her a few extra dollars for hot chocolate and a snack.
DH spent $11.00 yesterday - he bought a one day fishing license for $5, rather than a $15 six month one (they apparently run March to February). I spent $11 at my lunch out yesterday. I really like these friends, and we've agreed to a lunch monthly and coffee weekly (my social phobia kicks in and I wonder if I can possibly get together weekly and still have things to talk about - I like to refrain from gossip, but one of them is a true gossipper). Anyhow, I was surprised to find out one of these two friends has MS, has had it for 11 years (I've known her for 6.5 years). The only reason she shared this is all of our three daughters and best friends and her daughter has been asking some questions about the progression of the disease. She disclosed no details, but I was left feeling a bit uneasy. She asked that we not say anything and don't treat her differently. I am glad, again, for my health and my family's, though I'm seeing that there are situations that people deal with and these don't necessarily cause a negative quality of life.
Well, busy weekend ahead, but low-spend. Getting ready for Halloween means we'll do a dress rehearsal and I'll take my pictures, plus we'll carve the pumpkin. I got an awesome one at Aldi's last week for $1.99, plus we've got a small one from the pumpkin patch that is rightfully the smallest one's.
Still have to sit down and get the sale ads matched up with coupons. I'm a bit leary to do, as my funds are rather depleted. But I'm afraid that there might be an awesome deal that I'm missing!
All for my ramblings.
Friday - and my ramblings
October 23rd, 2010 at 01:13 am
October 23rd, 2010 at 03:08 pm 1287842893
As far as the social phobia, my YD has it, but can I say, these women like you for a reason, just be yourself! Also you can make noncommittal sounds when the one starts gossiping. Frankly I don't mind a little gossip, because as far as I am concerned, but for the grace of God go any of us, and I might even say that, like if she starts talking about someone's kids who did such and such or whatever, because you know what, it's true!
October 23rd, 2010 at 04:37 pm 1287848229
Thanks for the insight. I don't really know what to do about my friend. I offered to help with whatever she needs. She said "I have my mother and my MIL" and I said, "Well, if ever you get tired of them and need a new aide, let me know." She laughed, and I think she got what I meant (as a social-phobe, I tend to worry about what I say and how it is perceived). I, too, do like a certain amount of gossip, but I'm not a player. I'll act in the best interest of my child, and I don't really have much to say about how other parents parent, unless of course there is the suspicion of abuse, which there isn't.
I hope that you continue to do well dealing with your situation. I do think that grandchild of yours is completely adorable!