Home > Just curious: what is your weekly grocery/household expenses and for how many?

Just curious: what is your weekly grocery/household expenses and for how many?

October 15th, 2010 at 07:10 pm

Seems to me that I spent too much the past two weeks. $240 in groceries/household/personal care/pets for 7 people plus one dog/one turtle/two birds/two fish. Coupon savings was $40.

How are your numbers looking?

12 Responses to “Just curious: what is your weekly grocery/household expenses and for how many?”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I set aside $500 for three of us right now, twice per month. Usually it is $700 for four twice per month. DH is getting the $200 each pay period in allowance money. Who knows what his is spent on considering meals are provided and he doesn't need gas money! I just don't ask.

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    For the 4 of us + 1 cat, we average $100-$125 per week on grocery/household spending.

  3. ThriftoRama Says:

    I think you're doing pretty well for so many people.

    I think we spend about $70 at Aldi for four of us, every week, plus another $100 or so on formula, coffee, and baby food every week and a half.

  4. crazyliblady Says:

    I usually spend around $80-$90 for two adults and two cats. I buy some foods organic and can't buy any wheat, barley, rye, or oats so that leaves out buy cheap pastas, breads, and oatmeal from grocery stores and Big Lots. I take my own bags, which gets us $.05 per bag off. I also use coupons when it makes sense to do so. $240 sounds pretty cheap to me. Do you buy a lot of prepared and packaged food? That kind of stuff can drive up your expenses a lot.

  5. Ima saver Says:

    We spend about $75 a week. Two adults and 2 dogs. Dh takes his lunch to work every day too and we have not been eating out in ages.

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I spend maybe $35 - 40/week for groceries, etc. Sometimes less, sometimes more. This week a good bit more due to getting a birthday card/gift card for my brother. Smile

  7. rob62521 Says:

    I would also say you are very frugal to spend so little for so many! Wow! We average around $100 a week, but buy lots of fresh fruits and vegetables so that certainly raises the average.

  8. Homebody Says:

    $100-125 a week for 3 adults and a 2-year-old who requires expensive Lactaid milk. DH eats out every day for lunch usually and does not eat breakfast. I do feed my neighbor and daughter a fair amount with her husband working nights right now as a CHP.

    Oh and we have a freezer full of meat. So I think you are doing very well.

  9. My English Castle Says:

    We're somewhere around $75-90 most weeks. That includes my lunches (usually) but DH gets a free lunch at work, and DD eats school lunch (usually).

  10. PatientSaver Says:

    I spend about $200 a month for one person, so i guess that works out to $50 a week. that being said, i rarely buy meat, preferring instead to get my protein from dairy, eggs, nuts and beans.

  11. sagegirl Says:

    We spend about $150 per week--two adults, two kids, two dogs. This is food, lunches, dog food, and personal care.

  12. dmontngrey Says:

    I spend next to nothing. I'm in the extreme couponing group and supplement my coupon shopping with fresh meats and veggies. There are just two of us, so it's not much each week for those items. I don't count pet food in this total. That's $50 every six weeks or so. 2 dogs, 2 cats. The feeding of the rest of the pets is negligible.

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