Home > Sharing a proud mom moment

Sharing a proud mom moment

October 7th, 2010 at 10:36 pm

I just picked up older daughter from town. She's in 7th grade and a good steward of her own money - rarely is frivolous and is always generous. She stopped at my town's local chocolate shoppe and purchased a milk chocolate sucker for her brother who is turning six tomorrow. It cost her $3.50 and she requested they put a 6 on it. (I should add that she only had $4 on her and didn't buy herself anything, though I suspect that her best friend shared some item with her.) It is really cute, and she can barely wait to give it to him tomorrow. It is presently hidden away in the fridge in the garage. I love it when my kids are so kind to one another! Makes it well worth the chaos of sometimes having so many of them!

2 Responses to “Sharing a proud mom moment”

  1. NJDebbie Says:

    Not only is she a good steward of her money, she is also a great sister! Congrats and happy b-day to your little guy.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    How sweet!!

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