Home > You know you're old

You know you're old

October 5th, 2010 at 12:54 pm

when you refer to learning about the facts of life as "sex ed". This is how the conversation went:

Me: Hi Mrs. R (school secretary). It's Laura M (my last name). I've misplaced the paper stating the start time of the Catholic Sex Ed presentation tonight for M's 6th grade class. Can you tell me what time we need to be there?

Mrs. R: Now, Mrs. M(my last name), we're calling it Catholic Family Life. And the meeting starts at 6:30.

Me: We'll see you then.

To me ... sex ed is sex ed. I like that we'll cover morality and values, but we talk about that all the time at home.

No money spent yesterday. No money anticipated being spent today. Tomorrow I'll need to get some more apples and grapes. Money spending is still looking good.

3 Responses to “You know you're old ”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    You are NOT old. I am old! We didn't even have sex ed when I went to school!!

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    LOL. I seem to remember them calling it something dumb in middle school and high school when I was a student. And it was always the PE teachers who taught it; I GUESS it has to do with physical education, but jeez. They were like the gruffest, least compassionate teachers you could pick, and they usually seemed kind of uncomfortable with the topic.

  3. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    'Life Skills' around here | sheesh

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