Home > Red.Yellow.Green


September 14th, 2010 at 12:40 pm

We've had to implement a behavior management program at my house, things have been a little out of control (not beining nice, complaining to complain, lacking any gumption to get one's chores done, etc). I have been flexible in accounting for the "BTS" fall out, but it has been three weeks and enough is enough. The simplest system is the Stoplight One used in Preschool and Kindergarten. Green means you can use the computer, phone, watch TV, and go/have invitations. Yellow means that your privileges will be limited and/or removed. You can also expect to be doing extra things around the house. Red means that you shouldn't bother asking to do anything other than be helpful and read. Still working out the kinks, but I've got one on yellow today.

Money-front - Nothing to say. We're still eating leftovers from the party (which was a big deli spread, salads, etc). We're heading out of town this weekend for a dance competition in Muskegon, MI - we're going up Friday and are stopping in Holland, and our hotel has a pool. It will be nice to be away. The budget has accounted for this - and I'm anticipating that we'll have an excess because I still allowed "weekly expenses" for the week, though I have found I'm spending little to no money mid week.

All for now.

2 Responses to “Red.Yellow.Green”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Holland is my hometown! I graduated from high school there, and from Hope College. Enjoy yourself, it's a pretty place.

  2. momcents Says:

    We really like Holland - we've been there several times, once we did the Dutch Village (and sadly its only open on weekends now). We plan on seeing the Cappon and settlers' house, checking out the red lighthouse, and a picnic on Windmill Island (did that before)!

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