Home > Wednesday


September 1st, 2010 at 04:31 pm

My kindergartner just got home (bus gets here at 11:00) and he declared that he'd like a second breakfast and is going back to bed. Thank goodness his pleasantness factor isn't really contingent on his food/rest levels. He napped yesterday and was up late. I know this cycle will work itself out, I just wonder when.

I'm finding that a small effort in organization goes a long way. New rules instituted here at my house since the start of school:

* No phone or TV til the homework is done
* 15 min limit on phone calls
* Reading of 30 minutes a day or three books read to you
* Playdates on Fridays

I've also made sure that clothes are out the night before. I'm assembling the lunches with the exceptions of sandwiches the night before. I have a master clipboard where kids need to put the papers requiring my attention (not the smallest ones).

The weekly calendar is filling up with school volunteer activities, plus oldest DS's weekly appointment with the Special Ed teacher at the public school (he is in the Catholic school with limited resources), and now twice weekly speech therapy for my youngest son.

All in all, I'm striving for a simple plan that works for us. I spent $7.00 today ($5 in the gas tank, and $2 at the grocery store for tuna). $8 Remains - the leftovers from last week.

Pay day is Friday. We will make it.

1 Responses to “Wednesday”

  1. Jerry Says:

    Well done on the organization for the kids! That is huge and it leads to a lot less stress. It's always nice to have some insurance that you know where the papers are, if nothing else! You will totally make it to payday, and you are doing well. Good luck!

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