Home > Well, self ... what are we gonna do?

Well, self ... what are we gonna do?

August 30th, 2010 at 12:38 pm

I am posing this question to myself, as my house is blissfully quiet after DH whisked all the kiddos off to school. Today was the official start day for the Kindergartener, though he did a "practice" day on Friday with a one-hour orientation.

DH forgot to put out a cereal bowl for the smallest one who usually sleeps late and doesn't make an appearance until about 8:30 or 9:00. He was cheerful, dressed himself, and was the biggest waver in the minivan.

I've increase the amount of volunteering I'm doing at the school starting next month.

I think I'm going back to bed for a bit.

P.S. I wanted to share the most free fun we've had in awhile. We had a dear friend over for dinner last night, and he is rather a science geek. He went online to, and located the time that the ISS (Space Station) was going to be over our exact coordinates, also found when an Iridium flare was going to be. On short notice we all crammed into our minivan and drove over to a dark golf course and we knew exactly were to look and we saw the ISS pass, and then did catch the Iridium flare. My kids were still talking about it this AM.

6 Responses to “Well, self ... what are we gonna do?”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    That is so cool!! Enjoy the day to yourself.

  2. Homebody Says:

    We took the kids up to the mountains to Haley's comet... I think it was about 15 or so years ago? I wonder if they even remember? There was a telescope where we took them and they looked through it.

    Definitely enjoy your quiet time!

  3. MonkeyMama Says:

    Hope he has a good first day! Enjoy!

    Last year dh couldn't volunteer in class with LM's preschool situation. This year he is keeping busy in 2 classrooms.

  4. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    Thats very cool !

  5. My English Castle Says:

    Wow! I just went to this site and checked out the satellite times. What fun! Thanks for posting it.

  6. whitestripe Says:

    when i was younger a family friend was a very talented professional photographer. he came over for a weekend stay at my parents place and set up his tripod in the backyard, aimed at the sky, with an open lens. It was amazing the result after a night - the stars drew lines across the sky. little things like that are magic when you're a kid.

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