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Working smarter, not harder

July 9th, 2013 at 09:59 pm

Still a larger portion than I like of my grocery spending went to snacks and convenience foods, though a decent improvement over grocery spending since our return home from vacation. I'm progressing in the spending arena, but could be more productive.

I redeemed $22.02 from the Chase Freedom account to go toward uniforms for the girls.

My grandma's and inlaw's "income" ($200) for August will be 60% needs ($120 for BTS uniform items for kids) and 40% wants - $80 toward entertainment or zoo/museum membership.

We've got an extra paycheck in August, also. I've decided to get 2 months of asthma maintenance meds for daughter and have the "gift card incentive" which should yield an additional $45 for groceries.

I'm coming up with a master baking plan for Friday. I'll make oatmeal muffins, peanut butter muffins, and coffee cake. I'll have to look into freezing some for later use. In being organized, I've got the ingredients and steps plotted out and think that it will help to be efficient.

Tonight it is quesadillas and mac and cheese for dinner. Tomorrow my stepdad is grilling 5# of chicken for us, so I'm thinking it will be chicken salad and chicken with dipping sauce for the next several days.

I am definitely hopeful at the amount of money that we are NOT spending that I'll be able to continue to take care of tuition and real estate taxes without touching savings. I was going to take from savings to pay back, but there is really little incentive to do that.

Onward we trudge.

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