Home > Car Update and Being OK with who you are

Car Update and Being OK with who you are

January 10th, 2013 at 02:41 pm

First, the car engine light issue appears to have taken care of itself. I was the last one who put gas in DH's car (filling it up on 12/21) and I believe that LuckyRobin (?) was correct in suggesting that might have been the problem (not putting the cover on all the way). DH put gas into his car on Tuesday night and as soon as he did, the light went off. He told this to retired-mechanic FIL who asked about the gas tank cover and said that is probably what it was. Of course, I'll leave my $503 put on the outside chance it is a problem of a more serious nature.

I have a 2nd grade son making his First Holy Communion in May. He's a sentimental sort of guy and he brought me the flyer about the "traditional rosary making night for the moms". He's the fifth child to make this sacrament and I've never made the rosaries with the mothers. I'm not a jewelry making sort of person and while it is a wonderful idea for some, it isn't for me. I am an avid cross-stitcher and over the years I've stitched wonderful things for my children for this event: I've done a cross of flowers and a Celtic cross (which are my favorites). I told my little pal that we'll go to the Catholic store after his First Reconciliation and I'll let him pick out a rosary as a gift (we'll go for ice cream, too).
I used to worry how I would be perceived for not participating in things like this. The version of who I am right now is so totally free of that other version of me. I am glad I've gotten to this point.

Money-wise, on target for spending allotment. Heading to Aldi's today for some needed items to get through til next Thursday.

4 Responses to “Car Update and Being OK with who you are”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    If I don't put my gas cap on quite tightly, I will get the check engine light.

  2. mjrube94 Says:

    Me too CB. Sounds like you have a sweet boy Laura...

  3. Shiela Says:

    That's great news about the car.

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Glad the car issue wasn't serious.

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