Home > Thursday updates!

Thursday updates!

September 20th, 2012 at 02:59 pm

1) After writing yesterday's post about the difficulties with the best friend, she called and wanted to talk about things. She needs my support, etc. I told her point blank that I need boundaries (a first for me, since the conversations usually center around her and her drama and her anxiety-fraught life). I used my relationship with my brother as an example. I used to worry about him and his love life and things that aren't really my business (sadly, I think he takes after my father who is a womanizer and lacks any concept of fidelity and loyalty over the long-term). That said, I had him share infomation (phone numbers) with a single mother I know from school. I know they've gone out a few times, but other than that, I am not asking. I only hope to be invited to a wedding if there is one.

I told my friend that I thought it was best if for awhile we didn't talk about money or men. Or at least her drama associated to those. She wasn't really happy to hear that. She wants to be able to talk to me about anything. I said I didn't think that was a good idea for awhile. Her topsy-turvy life never quite leaves me with a clear understanding of where she is and what I can and cannot say. At this point, it is too energy consuming and too much work. Maybe in a few weeks I'll call her and see about going for coffee, but she pulled a "poor wounded pouty" whiny voice. I'm thinking some distance will be a good thing in the long-run. "Spaces in our togetherness" is definitely required.

2) Daughter has a date for Homecoming. She is very happy and pleased about this. He is apparently a good looking, smart, basketball player who was suprised to find out from her friend that she didn't already have a date. Not that it really does much to her preparations, but we did have to fact a buttonaire or boutonaire? or boutonnaire? (clueless how to spell). I'm happy for her, and I heard from younger daughter that the invitation ended with an awkward hug. Baby girl is growing up!

3) Tomorrow is a non-payday Friday, but we get our weekly standing Scipps/Manna order - $150 gift cards to Walmart/Sams. I'm still figuring out how to spend those - gas first? groceries at Sam's Club first? I am slowly drifting away from the coupon game, though I do still save the personal care products and cereal ones for Walmart.

4) Have to work on the budget for October. One son is having a birthday party at the roller rink and I estimate that to be $150? Hopefully everyhing else is paid for (Homecoming will be past, all fall classes will be paid up, and then it will be time for Christmas shopping and holiday spending!)

3 Responses to “Thursday updates! ”

  1. Amanda Says:

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    Quem tiver uma ideia, por favor, me ajude meu e-mail:

  2. M E 2 Says:


  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Good for you Laura! It can be difficult standing up to a friend, but in the end it will either make your relationship more healthy, or help you see whether or not the person was a true friend or not.

    Yay for DD! I think the second spelling is correct, although auto correct changed it to something else entirely, so I may be wrong. Smile

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