Home > Where did the weekend go, and how did I blow my budget?

Where did the weekend go, and how did I blow my budget?

September 10th, 2012 at 01:16 pm

This weekend was the busiest that we've had in awhile: Saturday went something like: 8 AM appointment for braces to go on older daughter, 9:30 evaluations for the 5th grader who will be playing basketball, 10:00 soccer game for the 2nd grader. And then I somehow managed to have a house full of children that weren't mine: six elementary school boys, plus younger daughter's friend who has a difficult home life (she was here from Friday night on). Anyhow, lunch on Saturday was Little Cesar's party pack for $15.09.

Daughter who is now in braces has required daily trips to either McDonald's or Burger King for fruit smoothies. I'm totally fine with this because I don't need her to lose the five pounds she gained in the last year (for whatever reason 5'7" and 95 pounds looks healthier than 5'6" and 90 pounds). She has also eaten 2# of strawberries and 6 Danimal Smoothies, plus she's attempted ramen noodles that have been broken into 1/8" pieces. I've never had braces so I'm not sure what else to do. She requested a watermelon, so I'll go pick one of those up today.

This is what my week looks like:

Today: pom dance class for younger daughter, babysitting gig for older daughter
Tuesday: dance for both girls, Cub Scout registration for all boys
Wednesday: soccer practice
Thursday: dance for both girls
Friday: babysitting gig for older daughter
Saturday: Scout class 9-11; soccer game 11; basketball evals for younger daughter 12-2; 2nd grader attends party from 3:45-6; oldest son and DH have sleepover at leader's house.

Spending for the week should be minimal; I am trucking through my small balance with the $3 and $4 purchases here and there. I will need to buy seam seeler for the tent, crickets for the bearded dragon, a trash sticker $3.37. I predict we will remain solvent for the next four days. Smile

4 Responses to “Where did the weekend go, and how did I blow my budget?”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    WOW! You are really busy! I don' know how you keep up with it all!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    I can advise you on eating with braces!

    First of all, her first few days after having the braces tightened are the worst. She won't be able to bite into anything, so think food that can be spooned in past the front teeth. Yogurt, mashed potatoes, soup, soft pasta, polenta etc. After a few days she'll be able to eat more normally, but you have to be careful about stuff that gets caught in the braces. I would advise -- no peanuts, popcorn, nor anything stringy or gummy. Pizza will probably be difficult, as will anything with a firm crust. No hard candy!

    It will all be worth it in the end!

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Agreed with CB...the first few days are the worst...a little longer for the first actual week of getting braces on. My daughter took ibuprophen for close to the first week. Soft foods are key. Soup and pastas can be healthy and easy.

  4. MonkeyMama Says:

    She will adjust. First time is hardest, every visit/tightening will make her sore.

    I am sure the store bought smoothies are fine since this is temporary, but if you find her the same way with every tightening, you may want to invest in a smoothie maker for the long run. I got one for $30-ish off of Amazon in 2005 - it is still going strong. I craved fruit throughout last pregnancy, though I do not particularly like fruit!! I would use high-caloried juice and yogurt (protein/calories) and frozen fruit. Because even if I liked straight fruit, it was not cutting it calorie-wise. I was probably drinking several servings of smoothies, every day. Ice cream or Ensure is also probably good to help on the calorie side. Both can be added to smoothies, too (particularly thinking to Ensure, which tastes nasty by itself).

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