Home > My Monday Morning Thus Far

My Monday Morning Thus Far

August 29th, 2011 at 01:40 pm

In an attempt to be organized, I had the clothing laid out, backpacks were packed last night, lunches assembled and ready to go, all papers signed and ready to go back, your gym uniform is ready and packed whether or not you have gym today, etc.

The bus stop is two houses over and last week was 7:21. The kids took it three mornings last week without an issue.

I had the boys at the end of the driveway at 7:10, just in case the bus came early. There has been major hooplah on the other buses last week.

By 7:15, all of the kids are out there.

At 7:25, one comes back to tell me it's four minutes late.

At 7:30, one daughter is highly doubtful it is coming.

At 7:35, I call the school who advises me to call the bus company.

At 7:37, I call the bus company and am put on hold for 7 minutes, only to find out that there is a revised bus schedule that I haven't seen which puts the bus at the corner at 7:07.

At 7:51, I get the kids to school, one minute after the bell goes off. Kids are still straggling in.

At this point all I want is my coffee and my shower.

At 8:02, I get in to the house to find a message from the school's secretary that AC, youngest son forgot his packpack and tried to flag me down, and is now VERY upset and crying. Can I bring it back? Of course.

At 8:11, I, unshowered and uncaffeinated, am having a nice chat with the 1st Grade teacher and all of my son's classmates. He was just happy to see me, gave me a big hug and kiss. Smile

Now, I am home to get a start on my day. I have some errands to do, am making chili and chicken tenders for today's and tomorrow's dinner, plus get a jump start on some laundry.

6 Responses to “My Monday Morning Thus Far”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    What a morning! Hope the rest of your day gets better!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Mom sure saved the day! Enjoy the rest of the deserve it!

  3. My English Castle Says:

    I love/hate the school bus too. DD's afternoon ride is always within one minute of schedule. Mornings? I hate to even think about it. One morning he arrives at 8am, the next 8:25, the next at 8:14. Although school doesn't start for her until Thursday, I'm fretting bout the morning bus schedule that says she'll be picked up at 8:23 when school starts at 8:30. Insanity.

    I'm glad you finally got coffee and a shower!

  4. ThriftoRama Says:

    Geesh. Nice of the bus company to keep everyone informed! A parent's life is never dull. Or organized.

  5. PNW Mom Says:

    Sounds like a crazy morning! Hope your day gets better!

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Hope the rest of your day wasn't quite so hectic. Smile

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