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Back to School today

August 22nd, 2011 at 09:24 pm

It was a half-day and we all survived. Everyone was up and dressed by 7:00, but now at 4:30 - they're all lazing around the family room watching reruns of "I Carly". I think tomorrow morning will be another story!

I took care of some insurance business, and got a $25 reimbursement check for Cub Scout camp. I'll cash that and add it to the piggy bank which I've started saving spare change in (up to $10 alone in one week, by breaking the bills and banking the change. Smile )

The EF is at $38,000 and holding. The spending for BTS has hovered at $88 and then an additional $62 for two pairs of shoes, one new shirt for picture day, and a class T-shirt for the 8th grader. That $62 was after two $10 off coupons at Penney's and Kohls. My coupons have been minimal - $5 this week - hoping to do better in this department.

Hope everyone is having a good beginning to their week!

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