Home > Ready to march into March ...

Ready to march into March ...

February 28th, 2011 at 03:33 pm

February, while short, was expensive. We stayed on budget for groceries and household, but went way over on extraneous:

$40 for dog grooming (two visits purchased at
$57 for dog shots
$30 for oil change on car that will be replaced soon
$50 for rotating and balancing tires, good ones from old van put onto new van
$120 for soccer for two kids
$330 for Cub Scout overnight camp 4 days/3 nites for DH and oldes son (doing it this month saved us $50)

I feel that all I am doing is watching the money flow out! The good news is that I've been able to maintain our savings goals and the tax return was deposited. Things are OK, but tight.

I would like for March to be ... easy. No major expenses, etc. I'd like to cook more from scratch, drive less, get some serious de-cluttering done around here. I'm seeing a correlation to my motivation and the sun that is streaming into the sliding doors here.

We have Spring Break at the end of the month, so I'll be tracking coupons and try to come up with some cheap outings (kids love bowling and a movie - at the discount place - plus my parents have a membership to the local Arboretum and we have a membership to the Museum of Science & Industry).

Remember merch? His "plan the work, work the plan" mentality is finally working for us!

1 Responses to “Ready to march into March ...”

  1. Kulutusluotot Says:

    For some time, I have tried to force myself into keeping account of my personal finance. Unfortunately, I never seem to be able to do that -- it is enought to do the accounting for my small company...

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